Monday, 30 March 2009

Mysteries of Life!!!

Some relationships in life are so incomprehensible and so sincere at the same time that it becomes extremely difficult for you to really understand as to how to perceive it and go about it !!! They are the ones which do not fall within the confines of the normal conventions, which have been there for ages!!

They liberate you, evolve you, push you to test your extremes which probably even you are not aware of...

They are the ones you find difficult to live without and at the same time find difficult to live with...mainly coz you are constantly trying to weigh them against the Scales of Judgement......trying to see whether you are contractually correct .. or not...!!!!

So then what is it that you are suppose to do...I donot know as to why am I even writing this.... but the fact is that the loss of cheer, spirit and liveliness which is attributed to the absence of that empowering presence around you... just seems to dampen your already down spirits further.

I always thought I was way too simple .. way to busy enjoying the small wonders of life... to think about anything for that matterThe joy and the cheer each relationship brought was more than why even care to think about the hurt it caused at times ...That was my way of life - " FORGIVE & FORGET"

I have always had a natural tenacity to make friends. I have a natural affinity towards people.. I believe in putting total effort into a relationship discarding all PRECEPTIONS... inspite of which, when it goes wrong..... it hurts!!!

But then they say what breath is to life is what communication is to a relationship... If things are talked over, discussed , becomes a lot more easier..

I have had a tough time past couple of days.. coz neither could I vent out my anger, nor express my anguish, neither could I openly cry , nor could I genuinely laugh,
subconsciously the silence with which I was greeted just lingered on....

Feel a lot lighter a lot better coz a lot seems to be off my chest!!

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